How Long Do Hair Transplants Last?

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Hair Replacement NYC

Hair loss is quite common for both men and women. While hair loss can be caused by several factors, including genetic predisposition, health, stress, alopecia, hormonal imbalance, or others, restoring a healthy head of hair is possible in many cases. If you’re one of the 80 million men and women in the US dealing with hair loss, hair transplantation may be the right choice to restore your thick, full head of hair.

Because hair loss can cause a lack of self-esteem, diminished confidence, and reduced quality of life, finding the best solution to reverse hair loss is important. Even more important is finding out how long hair transplants last. If you’re deciding to get the most effective treatment available, hair transplants, of course, you’ll want to know whether the results will last.

How does a hair transplant work?

To understand how long a hair transplant will last, it’s important to understand how hair transplantation works. During a hair transplant surgery, healthy hair follicles are removed from the back and sides of the head, where the hair follicles are stronger and produce thicker, healthy hair. These follicles are then transplanted to the balding or thinning areas. Once implanted into the scalp at the proper angle, filling in the shape of your new hairline, the hair follicles will grow the way your natural hair would.

Within the first month, expect the hair to shed. Within four months, the new hair will start to grow and will continue to grow as your hair naturally would. The incisions in the donor area to remove the hair follicles shrink to a small size. The incision scar is barely noticeable and completely hidden by the surrounding hair, whether long or short.

The success rate for hair transplantation is extremely high, at 90% and above. Sophisticated techniques and devices, such as NeoGraft and ARTAS, have an even higher success rate of 95% and above.

Are the results of hair transplantation permanent?

Modern hair transplants are safe, natural, and considered permanent. When hair is grafted from the back and sides of your scalp to the balding areas, the hair will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. This is because the hair follicles on the sides and back of the head are genetically programmed not to fall out–they grow for life.

However, it’s important to understand that every person is different. No treatment can be guaranteed to achieve permanent, lasting hair thickness. Future hair loss can still occur in the surrounding area. While the newly implanted hair generally lasts a lifetime, the surrounding hair in the transplant site that was not transplanted can still fall out.

Your hair transplant at New York Hair Transplantation

Modern hair transplant procedures provided by New York Hair Restoration achieve lifelong, outstanding results. Your hair transplantation procedure is provided in a luxurious, comfortable environment, where you can experience the most advanced, state-of-the-art techniques and specialized technology, utilized by our top hair restoration doctors and plastic surgeons. We specialize in hair restoration, dedicating ourselves to helping you achieve the thick, full head of hair you want for the long term.

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